Sunday, October 14, 2012

What (not) to wear to class

Alright I'm about to sound off on some horrific things I see girls wear to class. None of these looks are acceptable.

1.) They grey on grey jumpsuit- big grey sweatshirt with baggy grey sweatpants. No. Bad. That should be kept strictly to the confines of your dorm room

2.) White jeans. The time has come and passed for these girls. Put them away until summer

3.) White leggings. Just no. bad ideas.

4.) Heels and band skirts. I don't even recommend this for going out. You're showing too much skin, definitely not appropriate for a classroom environment.

5.) velour track suits. I've seen FAR too many of these. In pink, teal and this is just a big fat BAD. This should never be acceptable to wear, unless you're Regina George's mom from Mean Girls.

6.) pajamas. I get it, its early, and you stayed up late. But at least put on leggings. I'm sure you can manage the whole 2 extra minutes that takes.

I will most definitely be adding more to this. Girls, be on your best behaviour and try to avoid tehse fashion crimes.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Alright so I'm desperately in need of a big accessories splurge. From what I've seen, women's watches are coming back in. I'm thinking either a rose gold classic watch, or a statement band. One I found on urban outfitters is perfect: thick gold band, covered in studs. It's perfect, and more importantly only 38 bucks.
 Really important on a college budget. I'm also a big fan of the recent delicate trend. Small, intricate bracelets or rings. Infinity knots, love knots, and other similar features.